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Zhang et al. (2017)'s test for general linear hypothesis testing (GLHT) problem for high-dimensional data with assuming that underlying covariance matrices are the same.





A list of \(k\) data matrices. The \(i\)th element represents the data matrix (\(n_i\times p\)) from the \(i\)th population with each row representing a \(p\)-dimensional observation.


A known full-rank coefficient matrix (\(q\times k\)) with \(\operatorname{rank}(\boldsymbol{G})<k\).


A vector of \(k\) sample sizes. The \(i\)th element represents the sample size of group \(i\), \(n_i\).


The dimension of data.


A list of class "NRtest" containing the results of the hypothesis test. See the help file for NRtest.object for details.


Suppose we have the following \(k\) independent high-dimensional samples: $$ \boldsymbol{y}_{i1},\ldots,\boldsymbol{y}_{in_i}, \;\operatorname{are \; i.i.d. \; with}\; \operatorname{E}(\boldsymbol{y}_{i1})=\boldsymbol{\mu}_i,\; \operatorname{Cov}(\boldsymbol{y}_{i1})=\boldsymbol{\Sigma},\;i=1,\ldots,k. $$ It is of interest to test the following GLHT problem: $$H_0: \boldsymbol{G M}=\boldsymbol{0}, \quad \text { vs. } \quad H_1: \boldsymbol{G M} \neq \boldsymbol{0},$$ where \(\boldsymbol{M}=(\boldsymbol{\mu}_1,\ldots,\boldsymbol{\mu}_k)^\top\) is a \(k\times p\) matrix collecting \(k\) mean vectors and \(\boldsymbol{G}:q\times k\) is a known full-rank coefficient matrix with \(\operatorname{rank}(\boldsymbol{G})<k\).

Zhang et al. (2017) proposed the following test statistic: $$ T_{ZGZ}=\|\boldsymbol{C \hat{\mu}}\|^2, $$ where \(\boldsymbol{C}=[(\boldsymbol{G D G}^\top)^{-1/2}\boldsymbol{G}]\otimes\boldsymbol{I}_p\), and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}=(\bar{\boldsymbol{y}}_1^\top,\ldots,\bar{\boldsymbol{y}}_k^\top)^\top\), with \(\bar{\boldsymbol{y}}_{i},i=1,\ldots,k\) being the sample mean vectors and \(\boldsymbol{D}=\operatorname{diag}(1/n_1,\ldots,1/n_k)\).

They showed that under the null hypothesis, \(T_{ZGZ}\) and a chi-squared-type mixture have the same normal or non-normal limiting distribution.


Zhang J, Guo J, Zhou B (2017). “Linear hypothesis testing in high-dimensional one-way MANOVA.” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 155, 200--216. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2017.01.002 .


#> [1]  150 2000
group1 <- as.matrix(corneal[1:43, ]) ## normal group
group2 <- as.matrix(corneal[44:57, ]) ## unilateral suspect group
group3 <- as.matrix(corneal[58:78, ]) ## suspect map group
group4 <- as.matrix(corneal[79:150, ]) ## clinical keratoconus group
p <- dim(corneal)[2]
Y <- list()
k <- 4
Y[[1]] <- group1
Y[[2]] <- group2
Y[[3]] <- group3
Y[[4]] <- group4
n <- c(nrow(Y[[1]]),nrow(Y[[2]]),nrow(Y[[3]]),nrow(Y[[4]]))
G <- cbind(diag(k-1),rep(-1,k-1))
#> Results of Hypothesis Test
#> --------------------------
#> Test name:                       Zhang et al. (2017)'s test
#> Null Hypothesis:                 The general linear hypothesis is true
#> Alternative Hypothesis:          The general linear hypothesis is not true
#> Data:                            Y
#> Sample Sizes:                    n1 = 43
#>                                  n2 = 14
#>                                  n3 = 21
#>                                  n4 = 72
#> Sample Dimension:                2000
#> Test Statistic:                  T[ZGZ] = 159.7325
#> Approximation method to the      2-c matched chi^2-approximation
#> null distribution of T[ZGZ]: 
#> Approximation parameter(s):      df   = 7.7601
#>                                  beta = 4.8153
#> P-value:                         4.711944e-05